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What to Say to a Drama Queen Funny

Superlative Ten Comebacks for mean girls who are always creating drama

Great comebacks for mean girls who create drama

A high school teen, Luke, told me about a mean drama queen in his class who constantly creates problems for others. Mia lies to her teachers, and she tries to get other people in trouble and take them sent to the office. She has double standards. She gets nasty towards other kids and and so plays the victim with the circumstances that she created.

Mia's family is from China, and she claimed she spoke Mandarin several times in class. Luke spent the time to learn a few words in Chinese, and he went up to her and said, "Hi, how are y'all?" She turned effectually and told the teacher that Luke racially stereotyped her by speaking to her in Mandarin. She then lied and said he swore in Chinese. Luke, who was trying to exist dainty, was sent to the schoolhouse counselor and forced to apologize to her.

There is zilch worse than a mean girl with a bunch of followers who tin't call back for themselves and who go around terrorizing others and making their lives miserable.


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Some of these hateful girls have zero better to exercise than sit effectually and create drama. Talk about First World problems!

Superlative 10 comebacks for mean girls who create drama

  1. Some people create their ain storms and get upset when it rains.
  2. Congratulations on your ability to create drama out of absolutely nothing.
  3. Is your drama going to accept an intermission soon? I've got stuff to do.
  4. You don't like drama? Funny how your proper noun comes upwardly as executive producer on every single episode effectually you!
  5. What else practise you do in your spare fourth dimension other than sit effectually and think of the by and try to start drama?
  6. Your life has more drama than a van filled with drag queens.
  7. You don't similar me? That'south a shame. I'll pencil in some time to weep most it afterwards. Right at present, I'm busy enjoying my life.
  8. Congratulations on your ability to create drama out of absolutely nix.
  9. I love when you arraign everyone around you for existence dramatic and starting problems. However, I run into ane common denominator, you!
  10. Is your drama going to have an intermission soon? I've got stuff to do.
  11. Sad, I think your drama is largely cocky-created.
People who create drama don't make good friends

Kylie Jenner has experienced bullying from mean girls who create drama

Kylie Jenner experienced mean girl drama and bullying

Kylie Jenner via Wikipedia

Kylie Jenner, of Keeping up with the Kardashians fame, shared via Snapchat that she had been bullied since she was 9 years old.

Nosotros look at people similar Kylie Jenner and call back that they take had it easy, only there is a dark side to being famous. Celebrities have to bargain with online trolls who slam their appearance and criticize every move they brand.

" I recall that I've washed a actually groovy job at treatment all of this. But there's bullies everywhere. This isn't a pity party though … This is so that others with bullies out there know that you're not alone.

Honestly, I feel like at this betoken I've gotten so numb to it. I even so do my thing and people still beloved me…It doesn't actually affect me.

I experience like people want to see me take a cool hair color and dress a certain way and have pretty makeup and heels. If they were to encounter me in public, they would expect me to look like that….it'southward also exhausting for everyday life." – Kylie Jenner


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When someone is trying to CREATE DRAMA

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What to say when someone constantly creates drama

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