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Could Using Pet Armor Cause Symtoms of a Blockage and False Readings of Liver Cancer

What It Is

An abdominal 10-ray is a prophylactic and painless test that uses a small amount of radiations to make an image of a person's belly (belly). During the exam, an 10-ray auto sends a beam of radiation through the abdomen, and an epitome is recorded on special motion-picture show or a computer. This epitome shows the stomach, liver, spleen, small and large intestines, and diaphragm.

The X-ray prototype is black and white. Dense trunk parts that cake the passage of the X-ray beam through the torso, such every bit basic, appear white on the 10-ray paradigm. Softer body tissues, such as the skin and muscles, allow the X-ray beams to pass through them and announced darker. Gas in the tummy and intestines appears black.

An X-ray technician takes the X-rays. I or ii pictures of the abdomen are usually taken to get a view of the area from different angles.

Why Information technology's Done

An intestinal Ten-ray may help to find the cause of abdominal pain or vomiting. It can sometimes detect kidney stones, an obstruction (blockage), a perforation (hole) in the intestines, or an abdominal mass such as a tumor.

The image too can reveal small metal objects (such as coins) that might have been swallowed. Not all swallowed foreign bodies are seen on Ten-rays. Abdominal Ten-rays likewise can aid ostend that medical tubes take been placed in the right locations in organs such every bit the tum or intestines.



An abdominal X-ray doesn't require special preparation. Your child may be asked to remove habiliment and jewelry and change into a infirmary gown because buttons, zippers, clasps, or jewelry might interfere with the image.

Developing babies are more sensitive to radiation and are at more than take a chance for harm, and so if your girl is significant, be sure to tell her doctor and the X-ray technician.

Also exist sure to inform the technician or the doctor if your child has had an X-ray exam using barium contrast material (such as for a barium enema or an upper GI study) or has taken antidiarrheal or stomach-upset medicine containing bismuth subsalicylate in the last 5 days, as these can affect the quality of the images.


Although the procedure may take nigh 15 minutes, actual exposure to radiation is usually less than a 2nd.

Your child will be asked to enter a special room that will most likely contain a table and a large Ten-ray car hanging from the ceiling. Parents are unremarkably able to accompany their child to provide reassurance. If you stay in the room while the X-ray is being done, you'll be asked to wear a lead apron to protect sure parts of your body. Your child's reproductive organs also will exist protected as much equally possible with a pb shield.

If your kid is in the hospital and tin can't easily exist brought to the radiology section, a portable Ten-ray auto can exist brought to the bedside. Portable X-rays are sometimes used in emergency departments, intensive intendance units (ICUs), and operating rooms.

An abdominal X-ray is usually performed in standing and lying positions. The technician will position your child, then step backside a wall or into an adjoining room to operate the machine. Older kids will be asked to concur their jiff and stay however for ii-3 seconds while the 10-ray is taken; infants may require gentle restraint. Keeping however is important to prevent blurring of the X-ray image.


What to Wait

Your child won't feel anything as the 10-ray is taken. The X-ray room may feel cool due to air conditioning used to maintain the equipment.

The position required for the Ten-ray may feel uncomfortable, but information technology needs to be held for merely a few seconds. If your child is in pain and tin can't stay in the required position, the technician might exist able to find some other position that's easier on your child. Babies often weep in the X-ray room, especially if they're restrained, merely this won't interfere with the procedure.

After the X-ray is taken, yous and your child will be asked to wait a few minutes while the image is candy. If it is blurred or unclear, the X-ray may need to be redone.

Getting the Results

The 10-ray will be looked at by a radiologist (a doctor who's specially trained in reading and interpreting 10-ray images). The radiologist volition transport a written report to your md, who will discuss the results with you and explain what they mean.

In an emergency, the results of an 10-ray tin be bachelor rapidly. Otherwise, results are usually fix in 1-2 days. In most cases, results can't be given directly to the patient or family unit at the time of the exam.


In general, Ten-rays are very safe. Although at that place'south some pocket-sized chance to the body with any exposure to radiation, the amount of radiation used in an abdominal X-ray is small and not considered dangerous. It'south important to know that radiologists use the minimum amount of radiations required to get the best results.

Developing babies are more sensitive to radiation and are at more hazard for damage, so if your daughter is meaning, be sure to tell her doctor and the 10-ray technician.

Helping Your Kid

You tin assistance your young child prepare for an abdominal 10-ray by explaining the test in elementary terms before the procedure. It may aid to explain that getting an X-ray is like posing for a picture.

You lot tin can describe the room and the equipment that will exist used, and you can reassure your child that you'll be right there for support. For older kids, exist sure to explain the importance of staying notwithstanding while the X-ray is taken so information technology won't have to exist repeated.

If Y'all Have Questions

If you have questions about why the abdominal X-ray is needed, speak with your doctor. You can too talk to the X-ray technician earlier the procedure.

Could Using Pet Armor Cause Symtoms of a Blockage and False Readings of Liver Cancer
