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How to Get Rid of Lizards in Florida

Lizard Control: How To Get Rid of Lizards

This page is an expert guide on getting rid of lizards in your home and yard by using the products and methods suggested by our experienced pest control specialists. Follow this guide and use the recommended products and we guarantee you will be successful in eliminating lizards from your home.

Lizards are often an uninvited guest that makes their way into your home or even your backyard. You could be relaxing on the couch and enjoying yourself when suddenly out darts a lizard, making its way up your wall. Lizards often invade homes by accident while looking for their next meal.

While household lizards are not venomous, they do leave hazardous germs behind.This is because lizards like to eat flies andmosquitoes and other blood-sucking and germy vector carriers. When they defecate, you may come in contact with the lizard droppings and potentially contract an illness.

A fun but creepy fact about lizards is that some of them have the ability to regenerate. When a person (or predator) tries to grab a lizard, it purposely drops its tail. When the person is busy trying to solve the mystery of the wiggling tail, they have a chance to escape. This here is one more reason why you should not grab lizards while trying to kill them.

If lizards are frequently trespassing in your home or yard, you can put a stop to it with the help of our effective lizard control products and the expert advice provided below.


Before you can carry out control measures, it's important to first identify and confirm that you are dealing with a lizard. Lizards are reptiles and have over 5,000 different species found in every area of the world except for Antarctica.

Green Carolina Anole Lizard

  • Lizards have dry, scaly skin, a soft body, movable eyelids, a small neck and a long tail that they can shed from their body to escape from predators.
  • The most common Lizard in the US is the Carolina Anole which can grow up to 8 inches long with bright green or brown skin. They also have a distinctive pink throat fan.
  • Lizards are constantly on the hunt for food and drawn to homes with bug problems so they can feast on insects such as flies, mosquitoes, ants, beetles, grasshopper and spiders. They usually hide in dark places like cupboards, wardrobes, furniture, etc.
  • Lizards are active all year long but these cold-blooded animals are more likely to invade structures during winter for shelter and heat as well as to seek out food sources.
  • Lizards can enter your house through pipes, vents, windows, and cracks in the foundation. A lizard infestation usually starts from the kitchen and bathroom where there is more insect activity.

Use the image and description above to properly identify lizards. If you are not totally sure, contact us and one of our representatives will assist you with correct identification.

If you have found that you are dealing instead with a Gecko, check out our Gecko Controlpage. The treatment method and products will be extremely similar, but identification will be slightly different.


After you have confirmed that you are dealing with lizards, you can proceed to inspection. During this phase, you will identify where the lizards are frequenting and what may be attracting them to your home.

Lizards, for the most part, are a beneficial creature to us. They eat plenty of bugs which we wouldn't want in the house. Lizards scurrying around your home or yard, though, can be startling and they often get indoors by accident.

Anole Lizard Puffing His Throat

Where to Inspect

Lizards that sneak their way into your home can be practically anywhere. They move quickly and like to be hidden. Common areas where you would find them are in the garage, cluttered storage areas, the kitchen, and near entrances into your home since they may quickly scurry in from an open door. Look on interior walls and ceilings as well since they also like to move over walls and even stay still for a period of time on a wall.

For lizards in your yard,Lizards are usually found around warm, humid areas where they can crawl around on rotting wood in search of bugs to eat. You can also find them in garden areas or along exterior walls of a home.

What To Look For

You should be looking for Lizards themselves and any entry points around the outside of your home that lizards can possibly use to gain access indoors. Lizards don't leave behind any traits to show you that they've been around, aside from possibly their own wiggling tail which can regenerate.

You could try to locatelizard droppings, which look like a small pellet with a white ball at the end. Lizards move quickly and can their little squeaks and movements can be heard as well.


Once you have pinpointed where the lizard activity is, you can proceed with treatment. When mixing and spraying insecticides, make sure you read the label carefully and have on the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of gloves, safety glasses, and a safety mask.

When it comes to getting rid of lizards through repellents, you will need to address the insect population to address their increased presence. It is because of the heavy amount of insects that a lizard will be hanging around your property. By performing general pest control and significantly reducing the insect population, lizards will leave on their own without you having to harm them.

To address the insects (and indirectly address Lizards invading your home or yard by getting rid of their food source), apply a yard treatment of Bifen LP Granules and a perimeter barrier treatment of Reclaim IT Insecticide.

If there is a lizard in your home or you live somewhere lizards are a recurring problem, we suggest laying out glue traps to capture them.

Step 1 - Apply Bifen LP Granules

Using A Spreader

To get rid of Lizards in your yard, apply Bifen LP Granules. Bifen LP is a great granular insecticide that will kill a long list of insects for up to 90 days and can significantly reduce the presence of insects, taking away the lizard's food source.

Bifen LP should be applied as both a broadcast and perimeter treatment. To use Bifen LP, you will need a granular spreader. Measure the square footage of your yard (length x width = square footage) to determine how much granules to apply and then load the appropriate amount to the spreader. The typical application rate is 2.3 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.

Load your spreader with the appropriate amount of Bifen LP Granules and apply around the perimeter of your structure. Next, apply it all over the yard (broadcast) making sure to apply in mulch areas, and in landscaping, and at the foot of ornamentals. Finally, activate the product by watering the areas treated with Reclaim IT Insecticide.

Step 2 - Apply Reclaim IT Around The Perimeter and Indoors

reclaim it prevention spiders

Reclaim IT is an insecticide concentrate designed to control over 70 different insect pests and it also has repellent qualities. When applied, the product lasts up to 90 days so you wouldn't have to treat often. Reclaim IT will not only aid in activating the Bifen LP Granules, but it can also be used for barrier treatments around your home and for treating your ornamental plants.

Determine how much Reclaim IT Insecticide you will need by calculating the square footage of your home perimeter and interior of the rooms you wish to treat. To do this, measure (in feet) and multiply the area length times the width (length x width = square footage). Mix Reclaim in a gallon handpump sprayer at a rate of 1 oz. per gallon to cover 1,000 sq. ft.

Fill your sprayer halfway with water, add the correct measured amount of Reclaim IT based on your calculations, then add the remaining half-gallon of water. Close the sprayer and shake to agitate the solution and ensure it is well mixed. Pump your sprayer a few times to create a low-pressure spray and you will be ready to apply.

Make a broadcast treatment of Reclaim throughout your entire lawn to activate the Bifen Granules and to treat the areas where bugs congregate. Next, spray ornamental plants and landscape beds around your property.

After your yard is treated, spray a barrier treatment around points of entry to your home and around doors and windows. Indoors in spaces like your garage, spray the Reclaim into cracks and crevices. Avoid the treated areas until the product dries.


After you have completed treatment, Lizards should no longer be a problem on your property or within your home but that does not mean they can't make a return. To keep lizards from being an issue in the future there are some preventative measures you can take to make your yard less conducive to lizard activity. The following are a few suggestions:

  • Seal entry points around the home with caulk or Stuf-fit Copper Mesh.
  • Don't allow food to be left out in the open. Lizards mainly eat bugs, but will eat fruit and foods when available. Food will also attract insects, which in turn attracts Lizards.
  • Monitor insects and Lizards by using sticky cardboard traps like the Catchmaster 72 MB glueboard. Place in strategic areas to capture lingering Lizards and insects.
  • Conduct follow up treatments of Bifen LP Granules and Reclaim IT insecticide every 3 months so insects (and subsequently Lizards as a result) stay out of your yard.

Key Takeaways

What Are Lizards?

  • Lizards are small-sized reptiles with dry, scaly skin, regenerating tails, and the ability to crawl up walls and ceilings.
  • Lizards scurry their way into homes often by accident while looking for insects to eat. If you are seeing Lizards more often, it may indicate your property has an insect problem.

How To Get Rid of Lizards In The Yard

  • Reduce the insect population in your yard with a broadcast application of Bifen LP Granules which is labeled to control a wide variety of small insects. This takes away the Lizard's food source.
  • Apply a broadcast treatment of Bifen LP Granules over your entire yard at a rate of 2.3 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Conduct two perpendicular pass-throughs for even, uniform coverage.
  • Apply a perimeter treatment of Reclaim IT at a rate of 2 oz. per gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. Spray the mixture around points of entry to kill insects that try to enter your home.

How To Get Rid of Lizards In The Home, Garage, Yard, etc.

  • To capture lizards, we suggest laying out several glue traps around your home and before long, they will be caught.
  • Reclaim IT serves as an indirect lizard repellent by targeting the food source attracting Lizards to your property.
  • Reclaim IT Insecticide to indoor cracks and crevices where lizard activity was noted to continue to control problem insects and ward Lizards away from your home.

Preventing Lizard Reinfestation

  • Discourage future lizard infestations by addressing insect problems and performing a barrier treatment with Reclaim IT insecticide concentrate.
  • Monitor the presence of Lizards and any insects by laying out glue boards around entry points or noted areas of past activity.

How to Get Rid of Lizards in Florida
